Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our Scary Afternoon

Friday was as normal as any other day. Ben was at work and Trenton and I were waiting at home excited for daddy to get home. Ben was supposed to get off at 4 and he usually is home within 10 minutes. At 4:20 he still wasn't home so I gave him a call and he said he was almost home and as I was talking to him Trenton threw up EVERY WHERE! I would say it was his last 2 feedings worth all over his legs, my stomach and leg and the couch (down in the crack none the less and our cushions do not come off). At first I just thought how unbelievably nasty it was and I told Ben to hurry so he could help me clean up. After I hung up I realized Trenton wasn't breathing (it was a matter of 5-10 seconds between him throwing up and me realizing he wasn't breathing). I hurried up and tilted him and he started breathing, he was all happy fine and dandy. After I stripped him and myself down of the nastiness and threw our clothes in the washer Ben had gotten home and I told him to take care of Trenton while I showered off real fast. As I was getting out of my 2 second shower Ben had brought Trenton upstairs to get him a new outfit and then he threw up again and was having a really hard time breathing again. Ben luckily got him over the sink so there was no new mess to clean up except for Ben's arm. We were planning on going out and running a few errands but I told Ben just to go by himself and I would stay home and give Trenton a bath because he smelt and I was hoping it would help him feel better. As I was giving him a bath he threw up again (now all out of food in his system it was getting to the mucus throw up) and he started doing a really sad sad cry that neither of us had heard before. Ben went to Walgreens to get him pedialite while I stayed home with him and then he  threw up AGAIN (at this point I was carrying a bucket around with me to catch the throw up) and so I told Ben to call the doctors to see if we should go in. I then called my mom and told her and she said to keep a close eye out because babies get dehydrated fast. As I was on the phone with her Trenton threw up again so I had Ben come home and we went to the doctors even though the nurse said that she didn't think we needed to come in. At this point he had lost all his color and was shaking. He threw up a bunch more between the drive, the waiting room, and waiting for the doctor to come in. I was worried because when they weighed him with his clothes ON he was only 16.02lbs and I knew he was 17 lbs normally. They came in and got some blood and then gave him an anti-nausea shot. He then FINALLY stopped throwing up. He was to the point of throwing up bile every 5 minutes and his crying was SO sad. I would say 15ish times in just over an hour. The doctor came in with the blood results and said his white blood cell count was extremely high and that had him a little worried. He gave us a prescription for some anti-nausea medicine and said to give it to him 6 hours later if he started to throw up again and to give him only pedialite through the night till we came back the next morning to check his blood again. He said that if he started up as bad as he was in the night we would have to go to the emergency room and if his white blood cell count was still high in the morning we would have to emit him to the hospital! SCARIEST thing for parents to hear. Luckily he was a champ through the night and didn't throw up once. He woke up a bunch because he was uncomfortable sleeping up right in his swing (doctor's orders) and he was hungry because pedialite isn't very filling. He also HATED the pedialite at first, but after he realized that was his only source of food he ate it just fine. The next morning we took a trip to the doctors and he was back up to 16.11lbs with clothes off wich made me very very happy. Then they did the blood test and the doctor came in and said that his WBC count was back down! Friday it was 23.3 and just 15 hours later it was 13.9. Woot woot no hospital! The doctor said if he didn't know any better he would have thought it was food poisioning, but he didn't know how that would happen if I didn't have it since I was his only source of food. He did have rice cereal but the doc said that it wouldn't happen from that. So it remains a mystery as to what made him sick, but he is pretty much better (still having pedialite every other feeding to get him totally rehydrated). I feel so blessed that nothing too terrible happened and that our doctors is open till 6pm and open on Saturday because it saved us a trip to the ER. Count your blessings every day!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Trenton Man is 4 Months!

I have been meaning to write an update on Trenton for awhile, but I have been really bad about it. He turned 4 months on the 1st and is growing very quickly. It amazes me how much he has grown in the past 4 months. He already fits in 6-9month clothes! At birth he was 7lbs 4oz. At his first check up a few days later he was 7lbs. Most babies lose quite a bit of weight in the first little bit, especially babies who nurse because of latching problems. But Trenton was a champ and only lost 4 oz. At 6 weeks old we had to take him to the ER because he was having a hard time breathing and our Dr's office was already closed. He turned out just to have an upper respiratory infection, but he was already up to 11lbs at just 6 weeks. At his 2 month appt he was over 12lbs. He was in the 64th percentile for his head, 65th for his height and 67th for his weight. Just recently at his 4 month appt he was 16lbs 1 oz and 25 inches long. I think his head was 15 or 16 cm. His weight was in the 75th percentile, height was 51st, and head was 43rd. It AMAZED me that his head was only in the 43rd, not that I think he has an abnormally large head, but I have the HARDEST time getting so many of his shirts/onsies over his head. Anyway, as you can see, he is a little chunky monkey and we love it! He has chubby cheeks and thighs and it is so cute! At his appt the Dr asked how he was sleeping and I told him he usually sleeps through the night (has been since 2 1/2 months) but the past 2 nights he had been fussy all night. He went to see if he was teething early and noticed that the skin under his tongue (you know the line of skin connecting your tongue to the bottom of your mouth) was extra long. He asked if he had any problems eating and then kind of laughed at himself and said well besides gaining weight. I told him he was a bit of a messy eater but nothing else. He then said that he might have  a few problems with talking when he got older. He asked if we just wanted to do a little tiny snip to prevent any future problems and I said sure, but boy did it bleed A LOT. I felt so bad for Trenton. I finally was getting him to where it was soft sobs instead of screaming crying when the nurses came in and gave him shots. It was so sad! I finally got him calm after about 15 minutes (by the way he did awesome with his 2 months shot, only cried for about 2 minutes. I think there was just too much hurting going on this time).

I feel like Trenton is kind of skipping a step in his life because he is almost sitting up and he's teething, but he isn't rolling! Oh and the Dr never told me if he was teething or not because he got distracted by the whole tongue snipping thing, but last Monday I looked in his mouth and saw those poor swollen little gums. Anyway, like I said, he isn't rolling. He is actually able to because he does it when he is tired, but when he is happy and on the ground playing he shows no desire to roll over. I don't mind though because I am scared for him to become mobile. I like the staying still phase!

Ben and I love Trenton so much! He is the cutest little thing ever. He has the happiest smile, the cutest laugh, and he is generally a pretty chill kid. He loves anything that moves, such as the t.v., cars out the window, our fish tank,ceiling fans,and anything that lights up. His two favorite toys both light up and play music. My sister-in-law, Sara, let us borrow a play chair/exersaucer without the saucer type thing and he LOVES it! Every time I put him in it he gets a huge smile on his face and looks so proud of himself for being able to be up and looking around all by himself. His favorite is the mirror. He will stare at himself for minutes and when I call his name he will look up and give a huge smile, then look right back down at himself.

He has the cutest laugh and I love that he is starting to laugh more! It's awesome. He is also starting to use his hands more and you can tell when he is tired when he wants to cuddle and then play with your hand. He still loves his daddy more than anything and gets a huge smile whenever Ben gets home from work/school. I wish I had videos of his huge smile and his cute laugh, but whenever I get the Ipod out or the camera out to take pictures he gets interested in the device I am holding and stops smiling/laughing. Well I will try to be better at keeping up with this thing, but I can't promise anything :)

The Easter outfit Ben's mom got him. She doesn't like the hat, but Ben does.
Tummy time! He is a champ at it!

Who doesn't love a baby in their bath towel?

This picture is a few weeks old, but I just love how he snuggles with his blankie. It is so cute!

I put this picture up on Facebook already, but it is my all time favorite picture. He was talking (yelling and gagaing) for a long time telling Ben a story. Cutest thing ever!